Deadlock API

Fetched Matches: X.XXX.XXX (Last 24h: XXX.XXX)
Gallery Icon

Deadlock Assets API

Images & Stats of heroes, items, weapons, abilities, and much more.

Database Icon

Deadlock Data API

Game data like active matches and builds

API-Keys not required, but may change
For future-proofing, you can request an API-Key

Analytics Icon

Deadlock Analytics API

Analytics & Statistics, including match, player, hero and item statistics.

API-Keys not required, but may change
For future-proofing, you can request an API-Key

Data Science Icon

Deadlock Data Science API

Providing data for use in data science projects.

Data Science Icon

Deadlock Playground Database

Playground Database for exploring the data.

If you come across data that you would like to see added to any of the APIs, please create a feature request via Discord

Stream Icon

Deadlock Streamkit

Streamkit for streamers to display live data on their stream.

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